Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The MSM, and the New York Times in particular, are promoting lawlessness and violence against those they don't like.

These two are exhibits no. 1. 

They look like the stereotypical self loathing white liberals, don't they?

This morning on Facebook someone has posted what he represents are their home addresses and phone numbers.  Since I can't confirm their correctness, I'm going to learn from Spike Lee's mistake and not print them here, but that info is out there now, and can't be taken back.

Truly, to publish the home address of Officer Wilson is to openly encourage violence against him personally, and to ignore the significance of the conclusions of the grand jury.  In it's very essence, such an act, which was approved by the editors of the Times, is an invitation to anarchy. It is a rejection of the rule of law and of civilization itself.  If this is going to be the game, then it's kosher, and indeed necessary, to publish the accurate personal information of these reporters, and their editors, and to then follow through with as much harassment and even violence against their property, their persons, and their families, as they themselves have so clearly invited against an officer now found innocent of wrong doing by the grand jury.  If it's mob rule they want, then it's mob rule they should get.

If these reporters wish to sow the wind, then they absolutely need to reap the whirlwind.


  1. Cue the song, "Dirty Laundry" (Don Henley). It's interesting when people die. If the angry negroes murdered the white police officer that was not indicted by a multi-racial jury, it would give the media something to coo about.

    The reporters will sit back and gloat over the blood and gore because that's what they do.

    1. Those two have been corrupted by their immersion in Progressive ideology. I hope some day they can come to their senses, and repent. For now, what they are doing clear and unambiguous evil.

  2. Evil must be opposed. To do nothing is also a promotion of evil.

  3. The number of people that might just take a run at these two reporters is beyond their imagination. Which is fine with me. They earned it, they deserve it. I hope someone succeeds.

  4. They're phone numbers were also posted on a few sites...... :)
